Using Transaction Blocks
Transaction blocks are explicitly started with the BEGIN SQL command. This keyword may optionally be followed by either of the noise terms WORK or TRANSACTION, though they have no effect on the statement, or the transaction block.
Example 7-38 begins a transaction block within the booktown database.
Example 7-38. Beginning a transaction
booktown=# BEGIN;
Any SQL statement made after the BEGIN SQL command will appear to take effect as normal to the user making the modifications. As stated earlier, however, other users connected to the database will be oblivious to the modifications that appear to have been made from within your transaction block until it is committed.
Transaction blocks are closed with the COMMIT SQL command, which may be followed by either of the optional noise terms WORK or TRANSACTION. Example 7-39 uses the COMMIT SQL command to synchronize the database system with the result of an UPDATE statement.
Example 7-39. Committing a transaction
booktown=# BEGIN;
booktown=# UPDATE subjects SET location = NULL
booktown-# WHERE id = 12;
booktown=# SELECT location FROM subjects WHERE id = 12;
(1 row)
booktown=# COMMIT;
Again, even though the SELECT statement immediately reflects the result of the UPDATE statement in Example 7-39, other users connected to the same database will not be aware of that modification until after the COMMIT statement is executed.
To roll back a transaction, the ROLLBACK SQL command is used. Again, either of the optional noise terms WORK or TRANSACTION may follow the ROLLBACK command.
Example 7-40 begins a transaction block, makes a modification to the subjects table, and verifies the modification within the block. The transaction is then rolled back, returning the subjects table to the state that it was in before the transaction block began.
Example 7-40. Rolling back a transaction
booktown=# BEGIN;
booktown=# SELECT * FROM subjects WHERE id = 12;
id | subject | location
12 | Religion |
(1 row)
booktown=# UPDATE subjects SET location = 'Sunset Dr'
booktown-# WHERE id = 12;
booktown=# SELECT * FROM subjects WHERE id = 12;
id | subject | location
12 | Religion | Sunset Dr
(1 row)
booktown=# ROLLBACK;
booktown=# SELECT * FROM subjects WHERE id = 12;
id | subject | location
12 | Religion |
(1 row)
PostgreSQL is very strict about errors in SQL statements inside of transaction blocks. Even an innocuous parse error, such as that shown in Example 7-41, will cause the transaction to enter into the ABORT STATE. This means that no further statements may be executed until either the COMMIT or ROLLBACK command is used to end the transaction block.
Example 7-41. Recovering from the abort state
booktown=# BEGIN;
booktown=# SELECT * FROM;
ERROR: parser: parse error at or near ";"
booktown=# SELECT * FROM books;
NOTICE: current transaction is aborted, queries ignored until end of transaction block
booktown=# COMMIT;
Jumat, April 08, 2005
Kamis, April 07, 2005
Remote Update Blogger
uah asyik!
aku lagi nyoba program w.bloggar
bisa remote update nih...
kalo bagi yg ingin nyoba download aja disini :
c u
aku lagi nyoba program w.bloggar
bisa remote update nih...
kalo bagi yg ingin nyoba download aja disini :
c u
apa yang aku lakukan hari ini ?
Pagi ?
makan ,mandi dan berangkat kerja
Siang ?
Coding free pascal untuk fts-sync server postgresql = > apaain nih ?
membuat data di server a sama dengan di server b gitu lah gampang nya
makan ,mandi dan berangkat kerja
Siang ?
Coding free pascal untuk fts-sync server postgresql = > apaain nih ?
membuat data di server a sama dengan di server b gitu lah gampang nya
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